The Virtual Black Birthwork Lineage Studies

New Dates Coming Soon

The Virtual Black Birthwork Lineage Studies is a 40-hour foundational study in African-American Birthwork and Reproductive Wellness. This is ideal for those who are seeking an introduction into Black Birthwork, those who are already Birthworkers who desire more of a cultural-informed lens, and those of African descent who want to feel more knowledgeable and connected to their history.

This teach-in is not designed to certify anyone as a Doula/Birthkeeper, but to inform your own cultural and professional practices.

Recordings will be available and sent to all registrants.

Early Bird Registration: $450 Standard Registration: $550

Payment Plans Available

Topics included are the following:

Day 1: Womb Lounge, Intro and West and Central African Traditions in Birthwork, History of the Grand Midwives, Birthwork on Southern Plantations, Global Birth Traditions in the African Diaspora, Black Medical Terrorism throughout History, Birth Justice Rights

Day 2: African-American Birth Traditions, African-American Food and Nutrition During Pregnancy, Birth and Labor, Partner Support, Birth Planning, Black Home Births, Chronic Reproductive Disorders

Day 3: Placenta Rituals, Black Lactation, Black Belly-Binding and Baby-Wearing, Miscarriages, Perinatal Grief, Perintal Mood and Anxiety Disorders, Abortions, and Postpartum Planning

Day 4: Black Queer and Trans Birthwork, Black Rural Birthwork, Incarcerated Birthwork, Harm Reduction Birthwork, Disabled Birthwork, Intimate Partner Violence, and Sexual Assault

Day 5: Holistic Period Care, Black Fertility, Waistbeads, Birthwork Herbalism, Black Menopause, Types of Birthkeepers, and Black Birthwork Advocacy